Sunday, November 1, 2009

Running Hawk Post

So the assignment from wednesdays reading was "Me Talk Pretty One Day" and "Jesus Shaves".

I was able to relate to "Me Talk Pretty One Day" quite a bit. It really brought back memories of the perils of foreign language classes. I took Spanish for three years and absolutely hated it. I sucked at it and never really could get a good grasp on it. So that's probably why I wised up this year and just dropped it altogether. And yeah my Spanish teacher, who I'll leave nameless, was a monster bitch just like Sedaris's French teacher. Uhhh so yeah did you guys find this one easy to relate to? Anything interesting you wanna share about experiences with foreign language classes?

I thought "Jesus Shaves" was probably the funnier of the two. When they couldn't really explain what easter was to that Moroccan kid was pretty funny. Easter really is a pretty screwed up holiday if you think about it. Another thing I found to be kinda interesting was how Americans have a rabbit for Easter and the French have a Bell? So what did you guys think of this essay?


  1. I remember coming here when I was 5 years old and knowing only 3 (three) words of English. I remember having to point to my ass when I wanted to alert the teacher I needed to use the restroom. I mean, taking a foreign language class is one thing, but living in a foreign country? Totally different experience man. I found it extremely funny when he was explaining the students' conversations outside of class, "similar to what you might hear in a refugee camp." I snorted Dr. Pepper all over me table when I read that. This guy really knows how to paint a good image of what the hell's going on, and it makes the reading so much more interesting.

    And Jesus Shaves was also very good in my opinion. The way he'll tangent off from the topic at hand and discuss a very obscure, minor detail as if it were the pinnacle of all human knowledge is hilarious. Speaking from experience again here, Christian holidays always did confuse the hell out of me. A fat man flying through the sky carried by a group of deer? Sounds ludicrous.

  2. AhAHahhaah, good insight Obi. The fat man flying throught the air neest pas. But honestly, as if not eating for an entire month seems a bit odd. I mean holidays here are celebrated with as much food shoved into our holes as humanly possible. And i have two words for forigen language. Fuck it.

  3. Not to get off track here, but Ramadan in itself isn't exactly a holiday as one might think. It's a lot closer to "Lent", it's just a form of worship. The holiday we have at the END of Ramadan though, we do in fact, at least me, stuff my face with as much food as possible.

  4. I like the thing about you having to point to your ass when you wanted to use the restroom. It's hilarious. Although I can't realte to these sort of experiences like obi can, like Running Hawk I took Spanish. In fact I'm still in it (terrible decision). It's my least favortie class of the day. Every day I sit there and think of about asking to go the bathroom so I can drown myself in the urinal. I'm willing to bet Running Hawk and I are talking about the same bitch.

    And yes, Christian Holidays are strange, but I'm not going to complain about them. I think there auesome. Worst part about them is I have to go to church. Alhough I love getting candy in baskets, I'm not really big on petifiles serving me wine. Or kneeling. I'm Catholic. And screw it, I'll pray to the giant bunny or the fat man before Jesus.
