Wednesday, October 28, 2009 and see you again yesterday

ok so i am assigned to and see you again yesterday. i dont think there is really much any of us can say about am i right? i mean it was a valid essay, but not really much you can do but agree or disagree. it was interesting to actually see a person who would rather carry around a typewriter than a laptop but i guess my grandmother is the same way so i dont know i guess. im gunna go ahead and leave this one up for grabs if anyones got any questions or thought haha.

on to see you again yesterday.......does anyone else think that this essay should be about 8 pages shorter? it was actually interesting in a weird way to hear about him finding a boyfriend and wanting to go to France with him, and about his antics while he was there making a fool of himself. but honestly, sedaris pretty much ruined that one for me. it just seemed to go on, and on, and on, about the same thing sensually. but it was kinda fun to relate that to when i was in spain for 2 weeks. its fun running around trying to talk to people and learn from them on the spot. it was almost like a little game to see who could learn the weirdest thing that day. anyone have similar experiences? or have a person from another country come here and do that to you?


  1. Yeah, I have a lot of opinions on this pair of essays haha.

    As far as "" goes, I wasn't terribly surprised when I found out he wasn't a fan of computers. After all, someone who finds pleasure in baking cookies and shit surely won't have much to do on a manly PC. As far as lugging a typewriter around everywhere, that's the most asinine thing I've ever heard of. I laughed my ass off when I read about the airport security goons reacting the way they did when they saw it. But, I don't know, I just respect a man less when I find out that he dislikes computers just because he doesn't know how to work them, or is unwilling to expose himself to them. And, as far as the video they were discussing at the end... what the hell lol??

    "See You Again Yesterday", the beginning of the second part of the book from what I can understand, all takes place in France? I read the Wiki, I think that's what it said. Either way, this one was alright. And yeah, I can relate to this too... I have horror stories of when I first came here from Egypt lol...

  2. just irritated me. The fact that he would rather look at a pile of messed up type writer paper than use the delete button ticked me off. The fact that he resists technological advances astounds me. What writer wouldnt want word processing. It seems to me that he is holding out on what would make his job easier, to make a point that everyone else has been sucked into the virtual world of bullshit emails and websites.

  3. Yeah I have to agree that his reasoning for not liking computers was pretty garbage. He had no real argument for a type writer except for a few small things that don't really matter like the way the keys sound when you push them in. The fact is that he just wasn't willing to adapt to the world's technological advances even though they make life way easier.

    I can kinda relate to what happened in "See You Again Yesterday". I went to Jamaica a few years ago. Yeah the native language is English but they speak with a really thick accent and have this really weird slang that they use which made communicating with them difficult at times.

  4. These essays were the wrost ones yet. Although they weren't horrible or painful to read, they weren't paticularly intresting either. I think we all knew there were some dull essays so whatever.

    The whole using a type writter instead of a computer is strange. I'm all for whatever makes things easier. But when you look at David Seadaris's personality, it's no shock.
    It kind of reminds me of some old person living in the past and in order to do that they attack any technology that wasn't around when they were young. You see it all the time, and if you ask me it's dumb.
